
Upcoming Events

What’s Happening at Temple Sinai? Well, quite a bit!

You’ll find our upcoming events for the month in the calendar and below, and underneath the calendar are events with detail.
Click right on the event within the calendar to see details.

Filtering by: “Sisterhood”

5th Annual Summer Beach Picnic

5th Annual Summer Beach Picnic

All Temple Members and Families are Welcome!
Co-sponsored by: Sisterhood and Avodah and other Temple Groups

Please join us for a fun afternoon! Shelburne Beach facilities include swimming, boat launch, restrooms, kids’ playground, volleyball, basketball, picnic tables, grills, lifeguards (until 6 pm) & grassy area to sit. No dogs, glass containers, or alcohol are allowed.

This year will be a cold dish picnic - we are not grilling.

We request each family bring their drinks and potluck items to share - main dish, salad, veggie, fruit, cheese, or other. Please register below with what you are bringing.

We supply snacks, desserts, and paper goods.

What to bring: Beach chair or blanket, umbrella, sunblock, water shoes (swim area is rocky), games
Parking is Free: Thank you to Sisterhood and Avodah for paying for parking this year!

Rain Date is July 28th. An email will go out to those that registered on July 12th if it is postponed to the rain date.

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Shall We Dance!!

Shall We Dance!!

We’re going Latin with SALSA!!

Put on your dancing shoes and come shake your booty!!!

Bring your favorite dancing partner or come solo!!

Dance the night away in an inclusive and welcoming environment for fun and’s great exercise!

Two expert dancers, Jaqueline and Pat from USA DANCE Burlington Chapter, will guide your experience with lessons.

Bring comfortable shoes (no snow on the floor please, for safety). Soft sole shoes or socks. No rubber sole shoes that will scuff.

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Drawing Zentangles

Drawing Zentangles

Jan Orlansky is a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT), who is offering an in-person class to Sisters (first) and potential Sisters (if space is available). She will provide the instruction and the materials that you need.

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The Art of Caregiving

The Art of Caregiving

Are you a caregiver for someone you love? A partner, family member, friend?

Do you anticipate being called to a caregiving role sometime in the near or distant future?

Together we will learn from a panel of three health professionals and an experienced caregiver about the blessings and challenges of caregiving.

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Happy Hookers

Join Instructor Matt Samuels, a Temple Member, to learn how to crochet, to refresh your former crocheting skills, or just to chat with friends and work on your current project! *If new to crocheting, Matt suggests that you bring a 6mm aluminum crochet hook & some #4 weight acrylic Red Heart Yarn.

RSVP by Tuesday, Jan 9th

Open to Sisterhood and Temple Members

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Fantastic Music Concert

Fantastic Music Concert

Sisterhood invites all of Temple Sinai to enjoy this very special evening of music and song.

Please join us for a Live, In Person Concert with well known & extremely talented recording artists: Pianist Tom Cleary, Vocalist Amber deLaurentis, Trombonist Daniel Silverman, and Bassist Jeremy Hill

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An Evening of Poetry

An Evening of Poetry

Please join us for an Evening of Poetry with readings by three outstanding published poets. After their readings and some Q&A, we will move to the Social Hall for Snacks and Schmoozing with the poets and each other.

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4th Annual Summer Beach Picnic

4th Annual Summer Beach Picnic

All Temple Members and Families are Welcome!
Co-sponsored by: Sisterhood, Avodah, Kirvah, Membership, & Religious School Families

Please join us for a fun afternoon! Shelburne Beach facilities include swimming, boat launch, restrooms, kids’ playground, volleyball, basketball, picnic tables, grills, lifeguards (until 6 pm) & grassy area to sit. No dogs, glass containers, alcohol are allowed.

We will provide grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, and desserts.

We request each family bring a SIDE (salad, veggie, fruit) to share. We supply paper goods, condiments, and water; other drinks are BYO.

What to bring: Beach chair or blanket, umbrella, sunblock, water shoes (swim area is rocky), games
Parking Fee: Free if you have a Shelburne Beach Pass. Otherwise, $10 per car, payable by cash or check only Carpooling is encouraged.

RSVP BY JULY 20TH to Sisterhood or Avodah with your name, # of adults and kids attending, and your side dish. This will ensure there is enough food. Thanks!

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Sisterhood Shabbat and Oneg - In Person and Virtual

Sisterhood Shabbat and Oneg - In Person and Virtual

  • 500 Swift Street South Burlington, VT, 05403 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us for Sisterhood Shabbat!

This year we are highlighting Devorah. The service will be led by many of the women in our congregation. The service will be followed by an oneg also provided by our Sisterhood members. You don't need to be in Sisterhood to attend either in person or on Zoom.

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