Want to get involved. There are so many different ways!
We need YOU!
Volunteering is a wonderful way to give back to our community and the community at large. When you help others you also help yourself! Volunteering brings the community together to help the less fortunate or improve the quality of life for everyone. Whether you are working to save animals or mentoring children, volunteering is a fulfilling way to help your community. Medical experts have proven that it imparts many health benefits to you.
Additional Current Opportunities
Help facilitate Zoom Services. Contact the Executive Director for more details
Host an Oneg Shabbat
Hosting an Oneg is perfect for observing special family events — B’nai mitzvot, Yahrzeit observances, a baby naming, wedding, etc. Oneg dates will be available on a first-come-first-served basis, so try to plan ahead.
Host families are encouraged to light the Shabbat candles and recite the Kiddush during the service, but nobody will be expected to do so.
If you have any questions at all don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to working with you on your Oneg. Thank you for participating in this important mitzvah. We look forward to seeing you soon at your Oneg.
Sign up for an Oneg!
Help Repair the World
Our social action committee is always looking for volunteers to help with community activities, workshops, and more. Learn more
Help Deliver Loving Kindness
Help us grow our community of loving kindness. Our Chaverim Committee helps congregants by visiting those who are ill or homebound, making Shiva calls, attending a Minyan, sending a card, preparing a meal and so much more. Whatever your talents, we always need more help. learn more
Join an Auxiliary Group
Our Sisterhood and Avodah groups do a great deal to help our community and support Temple Sinai, from educational programs to charitable events.
Join a Committee
Committee members come with all kinds of interests and talents and help keep our community and our facilities running smoothly. Please consider joining one. It’s a great way to make new friends while doing Mitzvot. learn more