Live Stream - Zoom
Services, Torah Study, and many other meetings and events are available via Zoom.
Links are within the calendar listing of the service or event or sent via email for board and committee meetings.
Passwords are available by calling the Temple Administrator at 802.862.5125.
Here's a Quick Start video to get you started
ZOOM is a provider of Internet-based web conferencing. It allows people to gather online in a way that they can see and interact with each other, view and share materials and presentations, even share their computer screens, almost as if they were all together in a physical room together. People can raise their hands, be recognized by the leader (called the “host”), send text messages to the entire group or individual attendees, and more.
Every Temple Sinai event that uses ZOOM will have a unique link associated with that event. Check the weekly newsletter, website calendar, or home page for the ZOOM links you need to attend a particular event.
When you join a Zoom meeting, you will be prompted to download a small program that establishes communications with your device and the Zoom meeting you are joining. You have the option of using your computer’s microphone and speakers, or you can dial in using your phone. If you plan to use your phone, establish your video connection FIRST, then dial in. This allows ZOOM to connect your phone call to the proper video stream.
The Zoom Help Center offers a comprehensive list of helpful information, including the following :
Getting Started – Get up and running with Zoom on Windows or Mac PCs, or mobile devices, and attend recorded and live tutorials.
Joining a Test Meeting – Familiarize yourself with Zoom and test your microphone/speakers before joining an actual meeting. You can also test your video and audio while in a Zoom meeting. Dial-in by phone is not supported for this test unless you are using ZOOM mobile.
Training Resources – Live training webinars, recorded tutorials, and more.
Teaching with ZOOM – A PDF with lots of tips and tricks for using ZOOM for teaching. Also good tips for managing meetings!