Adult Education

The Jewish tradition of learning — is learning. Adam chose knowledge instead of immortality. -Elie Wiesel

Life Long Learning Begins Here.

Life Long Learning Begins Here.

Torah Study

Jewish Study Group

New This Spring: Temple Sinai University

Thursdays, March 13 - May 15, 6:15 pm

We are excited to announce a new series of classes here at Temple Sinai on Thursday nights. The spring semester will take place on March 13 through May 15. The evening begins at 6:15 pm with a community potluck, followed by two sessions, the first session at 6:45 pm and the second session at 7:45 pm.

Childcare will be available throughout.

The following classes will be offered during the spring semester:

  • Israel and Palestine, led by Rabbi Edelson.

  • Jewish Cooking, led by a team of teachers.

  • Conversational Hebrew, led by Meital Bator Johnson.

In addition, the Knitsvah Craft Group will be meeting in the Social Hall during the potluck hour! Registration is required. Click below to join us!

Great Learning Outside of Temple Sinai

Learn to Read and Write Hebrew Online with the Union of Reform Judaism

Get started with the Aleph-Bet! Developed specifically for online learning, each session introduces new material and includes practice with an experienced instructor in a collaborative classroom environment. Registration includes online access to all class materials, including audio recordings of each practice exercise. Participants will be asked to purchase a workbook.

The URJ offers two online Hebrew courses:

  1. Learn to Read Hebrew for Adults, an online ten-session course. Learn the shapes and sounds of the Hebrew alphabet, with a warm and supportive educator to guide you.

  2. Reading Hebrew Prayers, an online six-session course for those who can slowly sound out Hebrew words. Gain comfort and fluency reading Shabbat prayers in Hebrew.

For more information click here.

Israel at War with the Shalom Hartman Institute

Hartman scholars in North America and Israel share their thoughts & perspectives on the Israel-Hamas war.

Read. Watch. Listen. To learn more and register click here.

Online Resources

 For more information contact:

Aimee Loiter, Education Director -


Click HERE to schedule a meeting.