Membership Form
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Temple Sinai! Everyone is welcome, Jews, mixed families, those interested in Judaism, skeptics, and believers. We celebrate life-cycle events with family and friends; come together to support one another in times of crisis; rally together to help others in need; bring friends together and meet new ones. We share the belief that Vermont and the greater Burlington area are better when we have a vibrant progressive synagogue.
New Member Application
We're excited you have chosen to join Temple Sinai and look forward to having you be a part of our community.
Membership Categories
There are 4 basic dues categories:
~ A household consisting of one adult who is Jewish or seeking the Jewish faith, who does not have children under the age of 25.
~ A household consisting of two adults who are Jewish or seeking the Jewish faith, who have one or more children enrolled in Religious School or children under the age of 25, OR
~ A household consisting of two adults who are Jewish or are seeking the Jewish faith, who do not have children enrolled in Religious School or children under the age of 25, OR
Family-One Adult Head of Household (OAHoH)
~ A household consisting of one adult who is Jewish or seeking the Jewish faith, who has one or more children enrolled in Religious School or children under the age of 25, OR
~ A household consisting of one Jewish adult and one non-Jewish adult, who do not have children enrolled in Religious School or children under the age of 25.
~ An individual or household who is Jewish or seeking the Jewish faith that holds full membership with another Temple/Synagogue,
~ An individual or household who is Jewish or seeking the Jewish faith that lives outside of the state of Vermont for 6 or more months per year.
*** Please note that we do offer a Complimentary Membership to those 30 and under. Please select the category that best reflects you and/or your family, but no dues will be billed. ***