Standing Committees
Committees are the lifeblood of our Temple; they perform day-to-day volunteer work for our community and are an entry path into many leadership positions. Your talents are what make us a strong organization. Check out the various committees below and join us today!
Contact the Executive Director for additional information.
Continuing Education
Led by a Chairperson, plans, coordinates and implements formal and informal Jewish education programs outside of the Religious School.
Religious School Committee
Led by an appointed Chairperson, works with the Rabbi and Education Director on issues and activities related to Religious School programming including educational research, planning events, coordinating activities, developing policies, and reviewing and updating the curriculum as needed.
Communications Committee
Led by the Vice President for Marketing and Communications, creates and implements a comprehensive, consistent, electronic and traditional media policy and presence for the Temple. Assists in the development and review of media that represents the Temple.
Cemetery Committee
Led by a Chairperson, the Cemetery Committee has responsibility for overseeing all operations of our 3 locations, 1 of which currently has plots available. The committee also manages sales of plots, provides advice on memorials and approval of the look and wording of the stones, and handles perpetual care.
Led by the Vice President for Fundraising and Development, plans and executes fund-raising activities, exclusive of Brotherhood and Sisterhood; maintains a fundraising records database; coordinates its work with the Treasurer; and coordinates its policy recommendations with the VP of Marketing and Communication.
Finance and Legal Committee
Led by the Finance and Legal Vice President, the Finance and Legal Committee generally oversees the financial operation and legal affairs of Temple. In particular, the Committee assists in the preparation of Temple's annual operating budget consults on matters regarding Temple's endowments and investments and advises on changes to Temple's Bylaws and legal matters affecting Temple
Social Action Committee
Led by an appointed Chairperson, this committee provides our community with many opportunities for social action. Our programs benefit women’s and teen shelters, foster children, homeless veterans, the homebound, and the hungry. By reaching out to people in need, we not only help to repair the world but also strengthen our Jewish identity and provide an important example of our values for our children. Click here for more information.
House Committee
Led by an appointed Chairperson, the House Committee is responsible for the management and the oversight of all interior and exterior maintenance and upgrade. It also suggests rules and regulations to the Board regarding maintenance, fees, and use of the building and maintains adequate and suitable quarters for the congregation and Religious School including kitchen supplies and equipment.
Membership Committee
Led by an appointed Chairperson, this committee encourages unaffiliated individuals to join the Congregation and develops programs for the recruitment, orientation, integration of new members, and retention of current members. Promotes a broader understanding of the Temple among prospective members, current members, and the community-at-large.
Human Resources Committee
Led by a Chairperson, assists with recruitment and hiring new Temple employees; prepares annual performance review for each Temple employee; recommends salary increases and changes to benefit programs and coordinates their recommendations with the Finance/Legal committee. Sets policies and oversees the execution of policies relating to the employment of professional and non-professional Temple staff. Oversees compliance with all employment laws in cooperation with the Finance/Legal committee.
Spiritual Committee
Led by an appointed Chairperson, the Spiritual Committee facilitates and coordinates with the Rabbi to create moving and inspirational worship services for Shabbat, High Holidays, and b'nai mitzvot. In consultation with Rabbi, we set standards for congregational approaches to observances and life cycle events. Our committee together with Rabbi work to create trends for inspirational, innovative, and fulfilling liberal Jewish worship in the State of Vermont.
Chaverim Committee
Led by a Chairperson, Temple Sinai's Chaverim committee is a group that fosters a sense of being supported within our community for members during challenging times. We offer help with meals during times of illness/recovery/grieving and the arrival of new babies. Our Knitzvah group provides shawls to members undergoing life-threatening treatments or grief. We send monthly birthday cards to members. We assist those who need transportation to Temple events. We work to support the South Burlington Food Shelf on an ongoing basis. Chaverim looks for opportunities to enhance Temple Sinai's standing in the larger community as a helpful and good neighbor. During COVID members of Chaverim sewed over 2000 masks for our members and local businesses. We are always looking for ways to help our congregation and the local community.
Ad Hoc Committees
In addition to the standing committees created by its bylaws, the Temple has established several ad hoc committees including the Technology Committee and the Security Committee. Each is lead by a Chair appointed by the Board President. Contact the Temple Administrator for more information.