Welcome to the Temple Sinai Community!
Temple Sinai inspires people to find their path towards a worthy and sacred life

Why we exist
To Change The World
There is divinity in deeds; our commitment to justice and our actions will change the world
For Our Community
There is power in community; we are committed to being resilient, conscious and loving in relations to each other
To Do Good
Helping those in need, being kind and engaging in civil discourse are profound, holy acts
To Grow
Spiritual growth necessitates lifelong learning; we study Jewish text and tradition as they apply to our modern lives and challenges
To Be Inclusive
Differences make us stronger; we actively and warmly welcome believers, skeptics and all on their religious journey
To Pass on Tradition
Passing on traditions to keep them alive is our privilege and duty
High Holy Days Food Drive •
High Holy Days Food Drive •
💟 Temple Sinai’s 2024 High Holidays Food Drive Was A Success!
Temple Sinai’s High Holidays Food Drive resulted in 1,002 pounds of food and supplies donated to the South Burlington Food Shelf! The Food Shelf staff were delighted and very grateful for our congregation’s ongoing support.
Thank you to all who donated! You’ve made a positive impact on the community! 🙏🏽
If you’d like to donate, please visit southburlingtonfoodshelf.org. @southburlingtonfoodshelf
Who we are
Temple Sinai is a complex, loving, and vibrant Reform Jewish Vermont congregation. We come together to live Judaism and grow together in prayer, scholarship, song, food, and community; steadfastly welcoming faith, doubt, and diversity while ardently working to improve the world we:
the past while building the future
each other as a supportive, caring family throughout our lives
gratitude, kindness, and social justice activism
joyfully and accessibly, blending tradition and innovation
openheartedly the dignity of difference
Our History
In 1966, Temple Sinai was organized by twelve Burlington Jewish families who sought a more liberal expression for their ancient traditions. Since this decision was made, by coincidence, on the eve of Shavuot, the festival commemorating the giving of the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai, the name "Temple Sinai" seemed appropriate. Temple Sinai became the first Reform Temple in the state of Vermont.
For our first 20 years, Temple Sinai was a very mobile congregation, holding services in congregants' homes, schools, and hotel conference rooms. In 1974, the Faith Methodist Church on Dorset Street graciously permitted us to move into its building on a shared basis. Finally, in November of 1985, the Congregation of Temple Sinai proudly dedicated our permanent home at 500 Swift Street in South Burlington. Temple continued to grow, and in 1998 we dedicated the second stage of our building which included a more extensive social hall, additional classrooms, office space, and a beautified sanctuary.
The Temple currently has a full-time Rabbi, an Executive Director, an Executive Assistant, a cantorial soloist, and a thriving religious school. Kabbalat Shabbat Services are held on Friday nights, and our 9:30 Saturday morning worship is followed by Torah Study at 10:30. There are lots of opportunities to participate whether it be with Sisterhood, Avodah, various committees such as Social Action and Chaverim, a young families group, a youth group, an under 40's group, or simply attending one of the programs for the congregation and the community, aimed at strengthening relationships, supporting worthwhile social causes and events and promoting Jewish culture.
Currently, more than 270 families are members of Temple Sinai.
Our Mission
We are a diverse, egalitarian, and inclusive community of Jews and interfaith families. We joyfully embrace Judaism as a way of life through prayer, music, social action, celebrating Jewish holidays, lifelong learning, and life cycle events. Through these activities we seek to promote spiritual growth, moral values, and the social welfare of our community.
Our Vision
Temple Sinai strives to be a joyful, energetic, accepting, innovative, caring, and accessible faith community. We choose to practice and teach Jewish traditions in our community, so that Jews and Judaism will continue to flourish both in Vermont and in an ever-changing world. We believe that support for a safe and prosperous State of Israel is an important part of our Jewish identity.