B’nai Mitzvah
Temple Sinai helps students explore what it means to come of age in a Jewish community. A Bar/Bat Mitzvah is a moment in the human journey when a person becomes both counted and accountable – in one’s family, community, and society at large. We aim to deepen the process of that move toward responsibility and independence through reflection, study, and ultimately, celebration. We offer a program of study and exploration for your family and your child as they navigate their way through this journey.
As a cohort, B’nai Mitzvah students and parents will have time together to learn and reflect on what it means to become a mature member of their families and communities and live a joyous, mitzvah-centered life. Our curriculum highlights the B’nai Mitzvah as a life cycle transition into becoming a teen that leads to personal growth and positive communal connection.
When your child enters 5th grade, request your B’nai Mitzvah date with the Temple Administrator.
When your child enters 6th grade, fill out our Temple Sinai B’nai Mitzvah Planning Form and become part of the B’nai Mitzvah cohort.
B’nai Mitzvah Planning Session
B'nai Mitzvah Information
Temple Sinai joyfully celebrates with our Bar or Bat Mitzvah families as they reach this important milestone in a Jewish family’s life. There are three important philosophical underpinnings of Temple Sinai policies and attitudes towards B’nai Mitzvah:
• The Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony is neither a performance nor a competition. Rather, it is a celebration and an accomplishment for the Bar/Bat Mitzvah student.
• The goal is that the student comes away from the process with the tools to become a Jewish adult. A Bar or Bat Mitzvah is a beginning, not an end.
• Sustained and committed parental involvement is key if the process is to be successful.
Steps for B'nai Mitzvah Preparation:
Attendance of Religious School at Temple Sinai. Students are expected to join school no later than third grade. Students wishing to begin school later than third grade must meet with the Rabbi and Religious School Director prior to enrollment.
Fulfillment of service attendance requirements as outlined in the Religious School Parent Handbook.
Starting in 6th Grade students will begin working with Rabbi David Edleson on the completion of B'nei Mitzvah expectations.
Depending on student learning needs, outside tutors may need to be contracted to support the individual learning of Torah Portions, Haftarah, or Prayers.