Friendships are made through Avodah!
Build and strengthen friendships
Our Mission is to Serve, Worship, and Socialize. We are an auxiliary group of Temple Sinai and partner with outside charitable organizations to complete service work. We provide people-power for religious activities and events. We host activities and events that enrich our members’ lives and create a strong sense of community. We work hard and we play hard!
Avodah offers all who are interested the opportunity to build and strengthen friendships, support the operation and community of Temple Sinai, and perform mitzvot for the greater Burlington area. Dues are $18 annually (the suggested optional level is $25) and can be sent to or dropped off at the Temple Office in the Avodah mailbox. Avodah events and membership are open to people of all ages, abilities, beliefs, genders, and sexual orientations. ALL ARE WELCOME! For more information or if you have questions about Avodah please email the Avodah President or contact the Temple office.
Events in Planning:
Building the Sukkah
Sponsoring Onegs
Avodah-sponsored concert with Collin Cope & Friends and Dahg
Participating in an event with our Muslim neighbors
Arranging for High Holiday ushers/greeters
Partnering with Sisterhood to make/serve breakfast at the Annual Meeting