
Upcoming Events

What’s Happening at Temple Sinai? Well, quite a bit!

You’ll find our upcoming events for the month in the calendar and below, and underneath the calendar are events with detail.
Click right on the event within the calendar to see details.

Filtering by: “Kirvah”

4th Annual Summer Beach Picnic

4th Annual Summer Beach Picnic

All Temple Members and Families are Welcome!
Co-sponsored by: Sisterhood, Avodah, Kirvah, Membership, & Religious School Families

Please join us for a fun afternoon! Shelburne Beach facilities include swimming, boat launch, restrooms, kids’ playground, volleyball, basketball, picnic tables, grills, lifeguards (until 6 pm) & grassy area to sit. No dogs, glass containers, alcohol are allowed.

We will provide grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, and desserts.

We request each family bring a SIDE (salad, veggie, fruit) to share. We supply paper goods, condiments, and water; other drinks are BYO.

What to bring: Beach chair or blanket, umbrella, sunblock, water shoes (swim area is rocky), games
Parking Fee: Free if you have a Shelburne Beach Pass. Otherwise, $10 per car, payable by cash or check only Carpooling is encouraged.

RSVP BY JULY 20TH to Sisterhood or Avodah with your name, # of adults and kids attending, and your side dish. This will ensure there is enough food. Thanks!

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Kirvah Purim Party

Kirvah Purim Party

What: New and old friends, hamantaschen, drinks, snacks, a Purim retelling, and costumes. Don't have a costume? We've got you covered. RSVP for more details. Rumor has it there will be a special Purim punch.

Time: The party is 7 - 9 pm, but come at 6 if you want to help make Hamantaschen.

Where: South Burlington (exact location TBD per RSVP numbers)

RSVP: To keep everyone fed, watered, and housed, we need intel! Tell us who's coming and what you're bringing. RSVP here.

Cookie exchange: We are doing a hamantaschen cookie exchange. That means bring your own hamantaschen to share (and an extra Tupperware for take-home), or come early to help us assemble hamantaschen. We will have some dough ready to go. If you don't want to participate in the cookie exchange, no worries! RSVP above to bring something else.

Email with any questions.

See you all soon and Purim Sameach!

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