At Temple Sinai, it’s always the right time to belong.
Ready to Join?
Perhaps you’ve been thinking about joining a synagogue. Maybe you’ve just been waiting for the right time to actually do it:
when you are ready to find a community…
when you get married…
when you have children…
when you need a rabbi…
when you want to support Jewish life in our area…

We are a special place:
a complex, loving, diverse, and vibrant Reform Jewish community that comes together to live Judaism and grow together in prayer, scholarship, song, food, and friendship; steadfastly welcoming faith, doubt, and diversity while ardently working to improve the world
Myth #1: There’s no place for me… I’m not even sure I believe in God.
There have always been differences of opinion regarding belief and practice in our tradition. The meaning of the word Israel is to “struggle with God.” The synagogue provides a safe, supportive atmosphere in which to engage in that struggle and explore one’s spiritual needs. Most of all, synagogue life provides a strong community to help you sustain your connection to Judaism and pass the torch of the Torah to future generations.
Myth #2: Synagogues are only for families, not for singles like me.
In addition to our family-oriented programs, we have women’s groups, young adult group, adult education seminars, leadership opportunities, social justice programs, Chaverim programs, and, of course, worship experiences. Our goal is to enhance your connection with other Jews and your personal search for meaning.
Myth #3: Why should I join now? My son is not yet ready for religious school.
It is never too soon to be a part of the Temple Sinai community. While we often think that synagogues are around to “teach Judaism” to our children, there is so much more. We provide ongoing opportunities to study, experience, and enjoy being connected to a Jewish community. We also offer preschool programs as an important component in children’s development. The synagogue provides a safe, nurturing place to help your child develop key skills, as well as to create an enriching Jewish atmosphere for him and for you!
Myth #4: It costs a fortune to join a synagogue!
Temple Sinai is committed to assuring that everyone who desires to be part of a congregation can become a member. A Jewish sage once said that “the gates of prayer are always open.” We have a “fair dues” structure and a dues forgiveness program.
Everyone is welcome: Jews, mixed families, those interested in Judaism, skeptics, and believers. We celebrate life-cycle events with family and friends; come together to support one another in times of crisis; rally together to help others in need; bring friends together and meet new ones. We share the belief that Vermont and the greater Burlington area are better when we have a vibrant progressive synagogue.
We hope you’ll join us. You’ll find the membership application here.
Why Dues and Dues Abatement
Temple Sinai welcomes all who wish to become members in our Jewish community, regardless of ability to contribute to the financial support of Temple. We have developed a dues abatement policy to foster an equitable and confidential mechanism whereby those unable to pay the full dues assessment may request consideration for reduced dues. While recognizing the need for dues adjustment, we do need to fund and support the following:
A Rabbi
A Synagogue
A Religious School
A Library
A Temple Administrator
After much study and experience, the Temple Sinai Board has developed a basis to apportion the cost of maintaining our religious community fairly among all of our members. We do this by basing all dues adjustments on one’s ability to pay. A dues abatement or other arrangement can be requested as a part of filling out your annual Dues Commitment Form. You will receive an email response indicating your new dues commitment once the request has been approved. Approved dues abatement requests are in effect for one year and must be renewed annually. In addition, while building fund commitments may be deferred to future periods, they are not subject to adjustment through this program. We ask that all commitments and payment plans be in place by December 31 of the prior dues year.
2025 Dues and Fees
Please note: Our fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31 each year.
At the annual meeting on December 15, 2024, the Congregation approved the 2024 Budget proposed by the Board of Trustees. The 2025 dues schedule** is as follows:
A household consisting of two adults with one or more children enrolled in Religious School or under the age of 25, OR
A household consisting of two Jewish adults without children enrolled in Religious School or under the age of 25, OR
A household consisting of one Jewish adult and one non-Jewish adult without children enrolled in Religious School or under the age of 25.
(One Adult Head of Household)
A household consisting of one Jewish adult with one or more children enrolled in Religious School or under the age of 25, OR
A household consisting of one Jewish adult and one non-Jewish adult without children enrolled in Religious School or under the age of 25.
A household consisting of one adult without children under the age of 25.
An individual or household that holds full membership with another Temple/Synagogue, OR
An individual or household that lives outside of the state of Vermont 6 or more months per year.
Under 30
If you’re under 30 there is no charge for a membership
Annual Security and Annual Facility Fees are due.
**Consider “Rounding-Up” your dues payment. Additional revenue of approximately $4,000 would be generated if half of our members “rounded-up.” Plus, your generous gift will help further support Temple Sinai.
In addition to Dues, the Congregation voted to continue to
assess two (2) fees to be paid by each membership unit: a $100 Annual Facility Fee and
a $35 Annual Security Fee. -
We request that members complete a Dues Commitment Form by December 31 of the prior dues year. This helps us with budget planning and allows us to better serve the community and assist those who may need special arrangements.
Temple Sinai members can choose from several ways to arrange their dues payments. We offer payment arrangements to fit any budget and accept cash, check, credit card, ACH Debit, and stock transfer.
Members may make payments
electronically at any time by
logging into the ShulCloud member portal.
If you have completed your Dues Commitment Form, and wish to make a payment via ShulCloud, please click below.
Make A Payment
We request that your dues are paid or a payment arrangement is set up by April 15 of each year. Temple Sinai members can choose from several ways to arrange their dues payments. We offer 10-Pay, 12-Pay, quarterly, and semi-annual payment plans starting in January of each year.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Temple Administrator at (802) 862-5125 or email info@templesinaivt.org.
We do not turn anyone away due to financial reasons. You may request a dues abatement as you complete your Dues Commitment form. We will work with you on alternative arrangements if the requested financial support is beyond your reach at this time.
Membership dues and other payments by members can be paid electronically using ShulCloud. For other arrangements, contact the Temple Administrator or call the Temple office at 802-862-5125.
If you have any other questions, please contact the Temple Administrator at (802) 862-5125 ext 10, or email info@templesinaivt.org.
We do not turn anyone away due to financial reasons. You may request a dues abatement as you complete your Dues Commitment form. We will work with you on alternative arrangements if the requested financial support is beyond your reach at this time.