We are thrilled to celebrate your love and partnership! Rabbi meets with couples to create a meaningful and personalized Jewish wedding celebration. To learn more about holding your wedding at Temple Sinai.

..לֹא־ט֛וֹב הֱי֥וֹת הָֽאָדָ֖ם לְבַדּ֑וֹ
The LORD God said, “It is not good for a human to be alone...” Genesis 2:18
קול ששון וקול שמחה קול חתן וקול כלה קול מצהלות חתנים מחופתם ונערים ממשתה נגינתם בא"י משמח חתן עם הכלה
May there soon be heard in the streets of Jerusalem the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voices of the wedding couple, the rapturous voices of the wedded from their huppas, and of young people feasting and singing. Blessed are You, Adonai, who gladden us through marriage.
- From the Sheva Brachot (Seven Blessings)
The Jewish wedding under a Chuppah, or wedding canopy, is one of the most enduring images of Jewish life.
Originally two ceremonies, Erusin, or betrothal, and Nisu’im, or marriage, were combined over the millennia into one ritual. In Judaism, marriage is a legal agreement made with consent by two adults, symbolized in the ketubah, or marriage contract. The wedding takes place with the couple beneath a chuppah that symbolizes the home the couple is creating, one that is open to family and community. The ritual includes the blessing of two glasses of wine, the exchange of rings, the chanting of the Seven Blessings, and the final act – the breaking of the glass.
As a Reform Jewish community, Temple Sinai and Rabbi Edleson welcome all couples in which one or both people are Jewish, who love each other and are committed to creating a home in which Judaism is celebrated, raising any children in the Jewish tradition.