Ways to Give
Temple Sinai exists only through the generosity of our members and friends. Through your giving, we are able to provide education, community service, and special programs, as well as continue to expand and enhance our core services.
Temple Sinai Mission Statement
We are a diverse, egalitarian, and inclusive community of Jews and interfaith families. We joyfully embrace Judaism as a way of life through prayer, music, social action, celebrating Jewish holidays, lifelong learning, and life cycle events. Through these activities, we seek to promote spiritual growth, moral values, and the social welfare of our community.
Temple Sinai strives to be a joyful, energetic, accepting, innovative, caring, and accessible faith community. We choose to practice and teach Jewish traditions in our community, so that Jews and Judaism will continue to flourish, both in Vermont and in an ever-changing world. We believe that support for a safe and prosperous State of Israel is an important part of our Jewish identity.
Temple Sinai Vision Statement
Easy ways to support Temple Sinai
Donate Online
Direct donations to Temple Sinai and various charitable funds can be made online, via PayPal or using our secure ShulCloud member portal. Using either of these online systems, you will be asked to designate a fund to which your donation will be applied. General funds include:
Building Fund (existing) – New members make a financial commitment to this fund, but donations are encouraged from all to support the building and grounds of Temple Sinai. Donations to this fund will be applied to regular, on-going expenses as well as to one-time capital projects, as directed by the Board.
Program Fund – This fund will provide financial support for programming and events sponsored by Temple Sinai. Examples include, but are not limited to: youth group programs, Purim celebrations, social action events, guest lecturers, etc.
Education Fund – This fund will provide financial support for Religious School, Continuing Education and other general education programs and events. Examples include, but are not limited to: religious school expenses (including salaries and materials), educational books and supplies, guest lecturers, artists and musicians contributing to religious school and/or adult education programs, etc.
Spiritual Fund – This fund will provide financial support for religious/spiritual activities, materials, programs and events. Examples include, but are not limited to: prayer books, ritual items for the sanctuary, materials for the development and implementation of new prayer and life cycle services, guest lecturers, etc.
Board Discretionary Fund – This fund will provide financial support for anything that falls outside of the budgeted general operating funds or other designated or restricted funds that the Board deems to be worthy of support. Examples include, but are not limited to: professional development opportunities for staff, emergency expenses, matching funds for grants or targeted donations, etc.
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund — This fund allows the Rabbi to support needy congregants and individuals, and other 501c3 organizations with aligned missions. Examples include camperships, honorariums and Temple programming.
For information about specialized funds contact the Temple Administrator
Especially convenient for our members, and also available to non-members. When you donate via the ShulCloud member portal, you may designate a fund for your donation by selecting from a menu of choices. Or, let us put your donation to use where it is most needed at a given time.
Anyone can conveniently donate to Temple Sinai via PayPal, whether you have a PayPal account or not. You can also designate a particular fund to which your donation will be directed. Just click below.
Amazon Smile
Simply log in to Amazon Smile by clicking the image above, select Temple Sinai South Burlington, VT, and shop. For each qualifying purchase, 0.5% will be donated to Temple Sinai. Then, anytime you shop at Amazon, just use smile.amazon.com to log in to your Amazon account. Everything else will look the same, but you’ll be supporting Temple Sinai with every purchase! Better still, use your ShopWithScrip gift cards to shop at Amazon Smile!
Join a Giving Society
Temple Sinai has three giving societies, each supporting our work in crucial ways. We ask you to consider joining one or more of them. They are:
Covenant Society
Help Temple Sinai While You Shop Locally
Memorial Plaques
Jewish tradition sees memory as a sacred act, allowing us to be inspired by the good in a loved one’s life and live more fully in our own days. A Memorial Plaque placed in our Sanctuary allows for a permanent remembrance of a loved one, ensuring that their name will be recalled in perpetuity in our congregation.
Memorial Plaques can be added to our Sanctuary Memorial Wall by any Temple Sinai member at any time. For a donation of just $300, a bronze plaque inscribed with the English name (one per plaque) of the departed along with the date of death from both the Gregorian and Hebrew calendar will be added to our wall. Each year, the loved one’s name will be read in remembrance on the Shabbat closest to their yahrzeit.
Tree of Life Leaf or Rock
Have you noticed our “Tree of Life” at Temple Sinai? It is located on the wood-paneled wall in our Main Lobby. The tree consists of engraved leaves and rocks. It is a great way to help Temple Sinai raise funds while honoring a special person or event in a way that will last for many years to come. For just $125 per leaf or $600 per rock, you can honor a teacher or special mentor, acknowledge the birth of a new baby, a milestone birthday, wedding, anniversary, bar/bat mitzvah, or any type of celebration.
Naturally, you can mail us a check stop by the Temple Office to make a donation or contact us for more information about how you can donate to Temple Sinai:
More Ways You Can Give
Wills | Trusts
A charitable gift from your estate is a favored method of giving that enables you to achieve your financial goals, maintain control of your assets, and benefit Temple Sinai.
Beneficiary Designation
While you may transfer any of your assets through your will or living trust, a document called a beneficiary designation controls the distribution of your retirement plans, life insurance policies, commercial annuities, and a variety of financial accounts.
Planned Giving
Planned giving is a great way to support Temple Sinai while generating income for yourself and your family. Learn about the gifts that allow you to give to Temple Sinai while generating income for yourself and your family.
Retained Life Estates
Donate your home, farm, or a second home to Temple Sinai and receive an immediate income tax charitable deduction, while retaining the right to live in your home for the rest of your life. If you itemize your deductions instead of taking the standard deduction you could save significant income taxes.
Bargain Sale
Receive immediate cash and make a gift to Congregation of Temple Sinai by selling to us a valuable asset, such as real estate, for less than it is worth.
The IRA Gift (QCD)
The IRA charitable rollover (also called the Qualified Charitable Distribution, or QCD) is a great way to make a tax-free gift to Congregation of Temple Sinai.