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Erev Tisha B’av

  • 500 Swift Street South Burlington, VT, 05403 United States (map)

We have all felt grief and fear at the recent flooding here in Vermont, and at soaring temperatures across much of the globe.   We have also been feeling the rise in antisemitism and hate-filled rhetoric.      

This year, to honor the Jewish Day of Mourning,  Tisha B'Av, we will gather in the temple sanctuary to candle light and have time to reflect on and grieve for what we fear is lost in our lives and in the world around us.   Though traditionally starting at midnight, we will begin at 8 pm, and combine chanting, silent reflection, and prayer.  This offers us ritual and time to collectively sit with and lament what is lost. and prepares us for Friday night, Shabbat Nahamu, a chanting service of hope and consolation.  

In-person ONLY.

July 26

Jewish History Study Group

July 28

Shirtan - Devotional Chanting Shabbat- Shabbat Nachamu