
Upcoming Events

What’s Happening at Temple Sinai? Well, quite a bit!

You’ll find our upcoming events for the month in the calendar and below, and underneath the calendar are events with detail.
Click right on the event within the calendar to see details.

Filtering by: “Classes & Workshops”
Security Awareness & Preparedness with CJP

Security Awareness & Preparedness with CJP

Join us for an essential security training session to keep you informed and prepared. Learn best practices, safety protocols, and response strategies to enhance security.

Dinner will be provided.

About CJP:
Temple Sinai, in collaboration with Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP), is committed to building a highly engaged, interconnected Jewish community. CJP invests in the care and well-being of our community, the stability and growth of our local organizations, and in research, innovation, and collaborations that make a meaningful impact locally, in Israel, and beyond.

As part of this work, CJP created the Communal Security Initiative (CSI) to provide no-cost, professional security advice, services, and resources to meet the safety and security needs of the community through educating, engaging, and empowering them. CSI also encourages other faith-based organizations to attend our training programs.

Featured Training: Countering Active Threat Training (CATT)
This 90-minute session offers a comprehensive training program developed specifically for faith-based institutions to counter an active threat event.

Topics Covered:

  • Differentiate between security and safety

  • Develop a better understanding of active threat incidents

  • Identify action steps during an active threat incident, such as Run, Hide, Fight

  • Prepare for an active threat event

  • Respond to law enforcement's arrival

  • Recognize the importance of additional training such as Stop the Bleed

  • Commit to action during an active threat event

This session includes a PowerPoint presentation, videos, and a 15-minute drill to reinforce central concepts.

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