Back to All Events Bat Mitzvah of Charlie Finkelstein Thursday, May 1, 2025 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 500 Swift Street South Burlington, VT, 05403 United States (map) Google Calendar ICS Today we celebrate Charlie Finkelstein being called to the Torah as bat mitzvah. Charlie will be reading from Parshat M’tzora. The service will include a Torah service and Charlie’s d’varim. (This is a private family service.)
Bat Mitzvah of Charlie Finkelstein Thursday, May 1, 2025 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 500 Swift Street South Burlington, VT, 05403 United States (map) Google Calendar ICS Today we celebrate Charlie Finkelstein being called to the Torah as bat mitzvah. Charlie will be reading from Parshat M’tzora. The service will include a Torah service and Charlie’s d’varim. (This is a private family service.)