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Kabbalat Shabbat, Kiddush, and Oneg

  • 500 Swift Street South Burlington, VT, 05403 United States (map)

Join us for our service in person and on ZOOM.

Temple Sinai member, Rachel Kling, will talk about her experiences in her recent trip to Israel, learning about innovations treating trauma and its connection to the experience of Jews since October 7th.

Our song-filled joyful Shabbat evening service, this week led by Rabbi Edleson.

Oneg to follow.

We are using the Mishkan T’filah Siddur for our worship services

Online attendees can view or download most of the pages that we normally use on Friday nights.

*Call the office 802.862.5125 to acquire the passcode.

March 20

Temple Sinai University (TSU)

March 22

Shacharit Morning Service