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COVID Update - “Riding the Wild Wave” - Mark Levine, MD

Temple Event Sponsored by Sisterhood: Covid Update with Dr. Mark Levine, VT Health Commissioner

Come join our beloved Dr. Mark Levine for a talk with questions and answers (you’ll be able to submit your questions ahead of time). Dr. Levine will help us navigate the new scenario.

A sample of issues to be addressed:

  • New Guidelines and New Treatments

  • What kind of an action plan should we have in place if we develop symptoms?

  • What about travel? Can the grandkids visit? Can we visit them?

  • How do we safely enjoy the upcoming holiday season?

  • What about Boosters for us and vaccines for the 5-11 year old group?

PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS: Nancy Levine, RN & Gerri Bloomberg

RSVP to attend the Zoom by Monday, Nov 8th at noon. CLICK HERE. QUESTIONS: Please send them along with your RSVP.

ZOOM Link:

NOTE: A Passcode will be required. If you are a Temple Sinai member, please use the passcode that has been provided to you. If you are not a Temple Sinai member, to obtain a passcode, please contact Irene at: CLICK HERE and provide your phone # so she may call you with one.

November 7

Making Prayer Real

November 11

Sisterhood Hanukkah Sale