Confront Antisemitism
The Role of Community in Combating Antisemitism
Welcome to our page which aims to empower our community with the knowledge and tools necessary to stand up against antisemitism. Our toolkit is designed to educate people on how seemingly innocuous remarks or actions can snowball into something much more dangerous. We provide facts, stats, and examples of how children in our own backyard are being bullied, and how teachers in our schools are perpetuating antisemitic tropes. By working together, we can make a difference and create a safer, more inclusive community for all.
Download The Toolkit
We urge you to download our toolkit and share it with your friends and family. Have you ever heard someone start a sentence with "Jews are all..."? It's important to recognize the harmful impact of such statements and take action to dispel the myths and dangerous ideals they perpetuate. Use our toolkit as a talking point with yourself and others to educate and raise awareness about the impact of antisemitic language and behavior. Together, we can work towards a more accepting and respectful society.
A guide to old myths in a new era.
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All the symbols depicted here must be evaluated in the context in which they appear. Few symbols represent just one idea or are used exclusively by one group. For example, the Confederate Flag is a symbol that is frequently used by white supremacists but which also has been used by people and groups that are not racist. Similarly, other symbols in this database may be significant to people who are not extreme or racist. The descriptions here point out significant multiple meanings but may not be able to relay every possible meaning of a particular symbol.
Hate on Display is a trademark of the Anti-Defamation League.
If you have experienced or witnessed an incident of antisemitism, extremism, bias, bigotry or hate, please report it using the incident form below. We will work to assess your situation and respond as quickly as possible. Any personal information provided will be kept strictly confidential. If this is an emergency, please dial 911.
Learn How -
Antisemitism is prejudice against or hatred of Jews. Learn more about the history of the word and Nazi antisemitism in the Holocaust Encyclopedia.
Host Josh Holo and author Dara Horn have a lively and thought-provoking discussion about her controversial new book.
Dara Horn is the award-winning author of five novels and the essay collection People Love Dead Jews, and the creator and host of the podcast Adventures with Dead Jews.
One of Granta magazine’s Best Young American Novelists and a three-time winner of the National Jewish Book Award, among other honors, Horn received her doctorate in Yiddish and Hebrew literature from Harvard University and has taught these subjects at Sarah Lawrence College, Yeshiva University, and Harvard. She has lectured at hundreds of venues across North America, Israel, and Australia. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and four children. -
Explore the recent rise in antisemitism, which is increasing in ways not seen since the 1930s, in the U.S. and Europe, and hear firsthand accounts from victims, witnesses, and others who have experienced it.