Temple Sinai

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Ben Eisenberg and Molly Nilan

Interview by Jan Zatzman Orlansky

Molly’s parents owned two restaurants in this area so she grew up around food and the preparation of food. They started Sneakers in Winooski and The Daily Planet in Burlington. They no longer own either. Each family gathering and holiday was centered around special menus, which is a tradition that they like to share with their children.

For both Molly and Ben their parents have been the biggest influence, with similar values focused on responsibility, respect and connection to family and community. Molly grew up with a large, extended family of over 15 aunts and uncles and over 15 first cousins. Molly jokes that she is the quietest member of her extended family. Ben’s parents raised him to believe that we should all strive to give back to our communities though our work. Ben is a political and fundraising consultant and Molly is a Business Manager at UVM’s College of Arts and Sciences.

When asked what activities they would like to see more of at Temple Sinai they both agree that those activities which encompass social justice and giving back to our community, are two important ones. Molly attended the conversation with Dr. Lewis First and loved that it engaged both parents and grandparents.

They have two children: Ella is going on 7 years and is in first grade and Jake is going on 4 years old and is in preschool. They also have a sweet and mischievous chocolate labradoodle named Maya.

When they travel they love visiting the ocean. Their travels have brought them from the cold Atlantic in Maine to various locations in Mexico. Their most memorable trip, pre-children and post-college was driving across the country from Chicago through the Southwest, up the West Coast and back to Burlington.

Thank you Molly and Ben for your willingness to partake in our Getting To Know You series. We’re happy to have you and your children as part of our congregation.