Temple Sinai

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Delta Variant and Masking Update</a>

Dear Temple Sinai Community

I hope this message finds you well and enjoying this beautiful Vermont summer.

As you know, the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus is a growing concern, particularly in its ability to break through to people who are vaccinated, and for those who are vaccinated and asymptomatic to actually carry and transmit the virus Our board and the reopening committee will be addressing these growing concerns in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, I wanted to let you know that for the next two Shabbats, (8/6-7, 8/13-14) we are asking people attending services in-person to wear masks.

Both Shabbats include bar/bat mitzvah celebrations and so will have out-of-state guests, guests, with compromised immune systems, and the services will likely have a higher than usual attendance. We discussed this at the Executive Board meeting last night and agreed that under these unprecedented circumstances, we will ask people to wear masks for these services and work with the families of the bar/bat mitzvah on any other changes we might need to protect our health.

Thank you for your understanding.

Rabbi David Edleson